The Fall 2020 meetings were cancelled due to coronavirus pandemic restrictions.
We hope normal programming will return starting in January, 2021.
The March through June meetings were cancelled due to coronavirus pandemic restrictions.
We hope normal programming will return starting in September, 2020.
WEDNESDAY, Feb 19, 2020
This month’s meeting will include a presentation by a wildlife rehabber from the Coulee Region Humane Society. We will learn about the bird rescue and rehabilitation programs here in the Coulee Region.
The program is free and open to the public.
WEDNESDAY, Jan 15, 2020
This month’s meeting is a little bit different. Our annual meeting and potluck will begin at 6PM, followed by election of officers and then sharing of photos. If you have photos you think our members would enjoy, please do limit yourself to no more than 25, so all who want to share have a chance.
The program is free and open to the public.